Image of Joe Cardillo, founder and coach for The Early Manager


I’m a coach, trainer, and speaker who works with job seekers and managers/founders, focusing on small to medium-sized teams (typically 5 to 25 people). Before that, I worked as a marketer, journalist, and operator in startups and tech for 14+ years.

People regularly describe me as “flexible but focused,” and I believe in moving quickly, collaborating, and practicing inclusivity. By listening, learning, and returning consistently to each person's needs and values, I make sure clients feel seen and heard, and can grow their careers while also being true to their core.

Featured In

Managing in pressure cooker workplaces – Absolutely Not! Podcast with K Mataōtama Strohl

How to make power visible, negotiable, and useful – The Leaderful Podcast

On the impact of tech layoffs, and training executives to practice sharing power (Chinese language version, English language version) – Caijing Magazine

23 Phrases That Create Psychologically Safe Conversations at Work – InHerSight

What layoffs at Google and tech companies mean for other industries – Vox Media

5 Ways To Build A More Proactive Job Search – Job Search Empowerment News with Carla Leininger & KZSU Stanford Radio

Fast Facts

- I am non-binary and work consistently to break down racism & discrimination while pushing myself to live by the motto, “Listen 100x, act 10x, talk about it 1x.”

- The first 6 years of my life were spent on a small island in Hawaii with only one traffic stoplight.

- Cities I’ve lived in include Boulder/Denver, San Francisco, and Sacramento, but I’m based in Albuquerque, New Mexico (where I grew up).

- My career began as a support rep handling emails, calls, and live chats for a news release agency. It was always interesting, I learned a lot, and the heads of global PR agencies occasionally yelled at me.

- After 5 years of working in project management & marketing in corporate environments, I applied for a job in a venture-backed startup, moved to San Francisco, and found I liked working in/around tech. 

- I’ve directly led teams ranging in size from 1 to 10 people. When I made the jump from individual contributor to manager, it was with minimal resources/training, so I’ve also spent a lot of time collecting and sharing what I learn.

- I’m an advocate for the open web, entrepreneurship, journalism/local news, and design. More on that at and you can also find me on Mastodon.